Services Guide

Issuing a Certificate for Previously-registered Events or Registers (Birth, Death, Marriage, 
Target Group  Jordanian citizens and residents whose events took place inside the Kingdom 
Service Locations  All offices of the Civil Status and Passports Department Jordanian embassies and consulates outside the Kingdom 
Terms of Service  1.     The application of obtaining a certificate can only be accepted from the person himself or an adult member of his family. 
2.     The event should be registered on the computer in the Civil Status and Passports Department.  
3.     If the event/the register is not entered into the computer, the application will be referred to the office where the event was originally registered, to issue a certificate. 
Required Documents for Obtaining the Service  1.     Obtain the service application form. 
2.     The ID card for Jordanian individuals.  
3.     Proof of identity for non-Jordanians. 
4.     Birth, death, marriage, or previous divorce certificate that isn’t registered on the computer, if any. 
Service Procedures  
1.     Present the required documents to be checked and approved, and fill in an application form by the Public Service Office. 
2.     Match the information with the application and accept them according to the procedure by the Document Acceptance Officer. 
3.     Approve the application by the Office Secretary or his assistant. 
4.     Pay legal fees to the Treasurer. 
5.     Refer the application to the Printing Section. 
6.     Stamp the document. 
7.     Hand over the certificate to the service recipient after handing the financial receipt to the Delivery Officer.  
Time Needed for the Service  15  minutes  
Service Partners   None 
Notes       The certificate is issued in Arabic and English, and the applicant should select the language he/ she wishes the certificate to be issued in. 
Fees  JD1 

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